Denver, CO — Several Argent Technologies, LLC physicians attended the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of The Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) this week. The meeting was held in Denver, CO 29 August – 02 September after being postponed from May to allow as many attendees as possible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination before the event.
Argent Tech doctors Doug Files, Paul Young, and Christopher Trollman were among the atendees, with Dr. Files presenting.

The theme for the AsMA 91st Annual Scientific Meeting was “Advancing Aerospace Medicine Through Research.”

Argent Technologies, LLC, also sponsored the annual Society Social – a private event in conjuction with the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting. The social was hosted by the Society of USAF Flight Surgeons (SoUSAFFS). The social was held at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. in Denver and all atendees enjoyed a meal, an opportunity to connect with colleagues, and one free drink (on Argent Tech’s tab).