Argent Technologies is the #1 provider of contract Flight Surgeons to USAF and USCG Military Treatment Facilities worldwide.
- Physicians
- Physician Assistants/Nurse Practitioners
- Aerospace Medicine Case Management Review
- Aerospace Physiologists
- Nurses
- Medical Administrative personnel — all levels

Argent Technologies Medical Services Division has established capabilities to provide Allied and Licensed Healthcare Professionals with the highest qualifications globally to Military Treatment Facilities worldwide along with combat and disaster environments.

We currently provide Aerospace Medicine Physicians in numerous capacities to US Air Force , US Air Force Reserve and US Coast Guard installations throughout the United States. Our physicians meet all Military Treatment Facility requirements to include privileges and credentialing required to begin work immediately. Most of our staff are the most senior and experienced individuals in the clinic, many with military command experience. Our Physicians often provide leadership and mentoring as well as medical support services to their military customers.